For post-secondary students

If you’re a current or prospective student in my lab and are wondering how to succeed in scientific research, I have created a series of resources to guide you through the academic landscape.

Undergraduate Work Study programs



Various REU programs

About graduate school

10 ways to fail a PhD and what a PhD achieves by Matt Might

How to succeed in graduate school by Marie desJardins

Classic PhD comic with a grain of truth by Jorge Cham (The grain of truth is that your motivation or satisfaction will fluctuate widely because of the long delayed gratification in most research projects. Do NOT be silent about this - discuss with your lab mates, other students, and your advisor to develop stragtegies for progress and to put your work/output in perspective.)

Other prof's advice about grad school, e.g. by Kevin Passino or Stephen Stearns (also here). Also Carlos Scheidegger's advice in general and for his students.

UA Graduate Student Handbooks



Mental Health


Accepting that you have to manage your own mental health

Strategies for stress

7 Habits for Highly Effective People (Habit #7: Sharpen Your Saw)