Publications by theme
Overview articles
Benefits and costs of communication
Mechanisms of communication
Division of labor
Individual differences
Collective decisions
Spatial patterns
Collective contests
Various - including methods papers, ecology, colony size, physiology
Note that publications are not sorted by year (you can find a chronological list at Google Scholar). All articles are peer-reviewed unless otherwise marked.
Overview articles
Dornhaus A 2014 ‘Finding food: foraging affects all aspects of an animal’s life’, in: Yasukawa K ‘Animal Behavior, Volume II: Function and Evolution of Animal Behavior’, Praeger Publishers - pdf - textbook chapter for a general audience on what animals do to find food
Dornhaus A, Powell S 2010 ‘Foraging and defence strategies’ In: ‘Ant Ecology’, Eds. L Lach, C Parr, K Abbott, Ant Ecology, Oxford University Press [invited chapter in edited book] - pdf - edited book chapter reviewing communication/recruitment and defense strategies in ants
Dornhaus A, Powell S, Bengston S 2012 ‘Group size and its effects on collective organization’, Annual Review of Entomology 57: 123-141 - pdf - quantitative review on group sizes in insects, and review on how group size does or does not affect collective behavior
Bengston S, Charbonneau D, Dornhaus A 2021, ‘Temnothorax’ entry for Encyclopedia of Social Insects by Starr (Ed.), Springer - pdf - encyclopedia entry about the ant genus ‘Temnothorax’
Dornhaus A, Franks NR 2008 'Individual and collective cognition in ants and other insects (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)' Myrmecol News 11: 215-226 - pdf - review of cognitive/information processing/decision-making skills in social insects; also see next entry and lectures on youtube on this topic
Dornhaus A, in press ‘Aliens Are Likely to Be Smart But Not “Intelligent”: What Evolution of Cognition on Earth Tells Us about Extraterrestrial Intelligence’, In: Vakoch D, editor. Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Cognition and Communication in the Universe. Oxford University Press - pdf - invited book chapter; discussion of how many cognitive skills are common among organisms on Earth, thus presumably ‘easy’ to evolve; but human-level self-reflection/language/altruism is unique, thus possibly ‘hard’ to evolve or not under natural selection at all
Benefits and costs of communication in groups
We often intuitively feel that more information is always better, and that organizations will work more efficiently if more information is shared, but this is often not true for a variety of reasons - as anyone working for a large organization should know. Information has surprising costs: not just producing it, but also opportunity costs of waiting for it, low signal-to-noise ratio if sharing is not selective, too-high uniformity across individuals, difficult/slow updating of information across the group, and other non-obvious consequences of information sharing that are negative for individuals and groups.
Bee Dance and maps
Honey bees (Apis) communicate the locations of food sources - but bumble bees do not. Why?
We demonstrated that benefits of communicating location are not actually common, and appear driven by rare, far away, but plentiful and diverse resources such as mass-flowering trees found in the tropics.
Dornhaus, A, Chittka, L 2004 ‘Why do honey bees dance?’, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 55: 395-401 - pdf - field data in natural areas on increase in nectar collection with vs. without waggle dance location communication show benefit in tropics but not temperate areas
Dornhaus A, Klügl F, Oechslein C, Puppe F, Chittka L 2006 ‘Benefits of recruitment in honey bees: effects of ecology and colony size in an individual-based model’, Behavioral Ecology 17: 336-344 - pdf - simulation model shows strong dependence of waggle dance recruitment benefits on spatial distribution of resources
Dornhaus, A 2002 ‘Significance of honeybee recruitment strategies depending on foraging distance (Hymenoptera : Apidae : Apis mellifera)’, Entomologia Generalis 26: 93-100 - field data on artificial food sources show bees can find nearby food sources in response to recruitment even without waggle dance location information
Donaldson-Matasci MC, Dornhaus A 2012 ‘How habitat affects the benefits of communication in collectively foraging honey bees’, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 583-592 - pdf - field data on a variety of natural habitats show differences in dance benefits best explained by resource diversity
Raine, N E, Ings, T C, Dornhaus, A, Saleh, N, Chittka, L 2006 ‘Adaptation, genetic drift, pleiotropy, and history in the evolution of bee foraging behavior’, Advances in the Study of Behavior 36: 305-354 - pdf - review article on evolution of bee foraging behavior
Bee dance and time
We demonstrated that a variety of (opportunity) costs can arise just from the expectation of communication, and that speed and time delays can drive benefits. Contrary to some expecations, large bee colonies capitalize mostly on having a lot of scouts, not on having a lot of recruits.
Donaldson-Matasci MC, DeGrandi-Hoffman G, Dornhaus A 2013 ‘Bigger is better: honeybee colonies as distributed information-gathering systems’, Animal Behaviour 85: 585-592 - pdf - larger colonies benefit more from location communication not because they recruit more bees to the same food sources, but because they have more scouts to find food sources earlier
Dechaume-Moncharmont, F-X, Dornhaus, A, Houston, A I, McNamara, J M, Collins, E J, Franks, N R 2005 ‘The hidden cost of information in collective foraging’, Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 272: 1689-1695 - pdf - remaining in the nest to be available to be recruited is a cost of communication; longer availability of resource increases benefits of recruitment
Dornhaus A, Collins EJ, Dechaume-Moncharmont F-X, Houston A, Franks NR, McNamara J 2006 ‘Paying for information: partial loads in central place foragers’, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61: 151-161 - pdf - foragers may even benefit from returning prematurely from rewarding food sources in order to not miss important new information at the hive
Uniformity vs creativity
Generally communication is expected to reduce exploration and increase across-individual consistency, but we find that this depends on the details of behavioral rules.
Donaldson-Matasci M, Dornhaus A 2014 ‘Dance Communication Affects Consistency, but Not Breadth, of Resource Use in Pollen-Foraging Honey Bees’, PLOS One 9: e107527 - analyzing pollen loads from honey bees shows that communicating did not reduce the diversity of pollen collected, but did increase consistency of what was collected across foragers
Lanan M, Dornhaus A, Jones EI, Waser A, Bronstein JL 2012 ‘The trail less traveled: individual decision-making and its effect on group behavior’, PLoS One 7: e47976 - a simulation model of ants foraging on pheromone trails demonstrates that symmetry breaking, and thus consistency of individual resource choices, depends on how non-linear the choice algorithm is, i.e. on details of how choice probability relates to pheromone concentration; larger colonies may have more or less consistent foragers than small colonies depending on these mechanistic details
mechanisms of communication in social insects
A lot of information-sharing in social insects is indirect; it may involve ‘blackboard architecture’ (depositing information in a central place) and/or cues (receivers extract information from behavior of knowledgeable individuals without explicit/evolved signals). Different species communicate different types of information (e.g. bumble bees communicate less information than honey bees).
Bumble bee dance
We demonstrated that successful bumble bee foragers returning to the nest do 3 things that communicate the presence and scent of food sources: deposit food in pots; run around like crazy (=’dance’); and produce a volatile pheromone from tergal glands.
Dornhaus, A., Chittka, L., 1999, ‘Evolutionary origins of bee dances’, Nature 401: 38 - pdf - tweet - first demonstration of ‘dance’ and scent learning based on honeypots in bumble bees (B. terrestris; no info about resource location communicated
Dornhaus, A., Chittka, L., 2001, ‘Food alert in bumblebees (Bombus terrestris): possible mechanisms and evolutionary implications’, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 50: 570-576 - pdf - first demonstration that volatile pheromone involved, and that influx in honeypots is sufficient to achieve recruitment
Dornhaus, A, Brockmann, A, Chittka, L 2003 ‘Bumble bees alert to food with pheromone from tergal gland’, Journal of Comparative Physiology A 189: 47-51 - pdf - volatile recruitment pheromone emitted during bumble bee ‘dance’ is produced in small glands on tergites
Dornhaus, A, Chittka, L 2004 ‘Information flow and regulation of foraging activity in bumble bees’, Apidologie 35: 183-192 - pdf - short review on bumble bee recruitment system
Dornhaus, A, Chittka, L 2005 ‘Bumble bees (Bombus terrestris) store both food and information in honeypots’, Behavioral Ecology 16: 661-666 - pdf - potential foragers monitor both amount and concentration of nectar in honeypots; activation in response to influx is quality-dependent and affected by overall nectar stored, thus serving as ‘information center’
Granero, A M, Guerra Sanz, J M, Ega Gonzalez, F J, Martinez Vidal, J L, Dornhaus, A, Ghani, J, Serrano, A R, Chittka, L 2005 ‘Chemical compounds of the foraging recruitment pheromone in bumblebees’, Naturwissenschaften 92: 371-374 - pdf - recruitment pheromone found to consist of eucalyptol, ocimene and farnesol, with eucalyptol most active
Dornhaus, A, Cameron, S 2003 ‘A scientific note on food alert in Bombus transversalis’, Apidologie 34: 87-88 - pdf - B. transversalis appears to use the same recruitment strategies as B. terrestris
Chittka, L, Dornhaus, A 1999 ‘Comparisons in physiology and evolution, and why bees can do the things they do’, Ciencia al Dia International 2: No 2 - essay in the importance of considering phylogeny and interindividual variation in studying and explaining behavioral variation among species
Honey bees
Honey bees may in fact also use a volatile pheromone to alert other bees to waggle dances or to communicate the presence of successful foragers. And we did not find that giving-up-time was predicted by either nectar volume or waiting time.
Thom C, Dornhaus A 2007 ‘Preliminary report on the use of volatile compounds by foraging honey bees in the hive (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Apis)’ Entomologia generalis 29: 299-304 - pdf - honey bees appear to use a volatile pheromone to activate other foragers similar to bumble bees
Rivera M, Donaldson-Matasci M, Dornhaus A 2015 ‘Quitting time: When do honey bee foragers decide to stop foraging on natural resources?’, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3: 50 - pdf - we do not find that either delay to or duration of trophallaxis predict when foragers give up on resources; contrary to claims that amount of nectar found on a foraging trip and social need for nectar, thought to correlate with trophallaxis duration and delay respectively, should determine this
Temnothorax ants, similar to bumble bees, used to be thought of as almost solitary foragers; we demonstrated that they can in fact make use of pheromone trails/marks left by others.
Cao TT, Dornhaus A 2012 ‘Ants use pheromone markings in emigrations to move closer to food-rich areas’, Insectes sociaux 59: 87-92 - pdf - Temnorthorax rugatulus ants are not entirely individualistic foragers, but instead appear to leave footprint pheromones’ these bias traffic/scouts in other contexts, e.g. emigration to a new nest
Division of labor
The central theme in our work on division of labor is understanding the degree of individual variation in cooperative groups that is adaptive, and dissecting the processes that make it so. Counterintuitively, several of our studies on bumble bees and Temnothorax ants have found that conventional explanations, such as higher individual efficiency of specialists, don’t hold, and that specialization is generally much lower than often portrayed for social insects.
Interestingly, other than the classic ‘division of labor to increase work output’ as proposed by Adam Smith (for humans), we have proposed other processes, both adaptive and non-adaptive, that may lead to division of labor: in particular, the interaction of comparative advantage effects and cost of worker production, and the possibility that ‘unemployed’ workers are actually crucial for effective task allocation. We also demonstrated that inactive workers can make up a high proportion of colony workforce, and we discuss additional explanations, such as fast-fluctuating task demands, traffic congestion, and low worker quality (perhaps because of immaturity).
size variation
Bumble bee workers show extreme size variation within colonies. We showed that this is not a lab artefact, and that it is specific to workers (not queens or males), suggesting it is not a necessary result of a disorganized nest, for example (see Spatial Pattern below). The evolutionary benefit of such size variation however is unclear. Smaller workers appear to store more fat, and this may drive longer survival in some conditions, but generally large workers perform better (and live longer). Incidentally we show that under unpredictable food availability, workers generally store more fat.
Several manuscripts on this topic are in review - these suggest that small workers may be cheap, low quality workers for tasks where high quality workers are not worth their cost.
Kelemen EP, Skyrm K, Dornhaus A 2022, ‘Selection on size variation: more variation in bumble bee workers and in the wild’, Insectes sociaux 69: 93-98 - pdf - field-raised bumble bee colonies produce the same variation in worker body size as lab-raised ones; and variation is much higher in workers than males or queens, suggesting different selection on body size consistency
Couvillon MJ, Jandt J, Duong N, Dornhaus A 2010 ‘Ontogeny of worker body size distribution in bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) colonies’, Ecological Entomology 35: 424-435 - pdf - with the exception of the very first worker generations (not studied here), bumble bee colonies produce the same degree of variation in worker body size throughout ontogeny, and produce varying body sizes even in simultaneously raised workers (contradicting the idea that standing size variation may reflect change in size across generations)
Couvillon MJ, Dornhaus A 2010 ‘Small worker bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) are hardier against starvation than their larger sisters', Insectes sociaux 57: 193-197 - pdf - when deprived of food in the lab, larger workers died earlier than smaller ones (support for the idea that perhaps there is a performance-robustness tradeoff across worker sizes)
Couvillon MJ, Jandt J, Bonds J, Helm BR, Dornhaus A 2011 ‘Percent lipid is associated with body size but not task in the bumble bee Bombus impatiens’, Journal of Comparative Physiology A 197: 1097-1104 - pdf - smaller workers store more fats; larger workers more often forage and smaller ones more often nurse, and ‘nursing’ in social insects is often associated with lipid storage (and foraging with leanness) - but here we found that size, not task, was the better explanation for differences in lipid storage
Jandt J, Dornhaus A 2014 'Bumblebee response thresholds and body size: does worker diversity increase colony performance?', Animal Behavior 87:97-106 - pdf - worker variation did not increase colony performance; instead, average worker preference for a task seems to predict task performance; one of two colony level manipulation studies from our lab showing this same lack of benefit of division of labor (the other is Kelemen et al. 2020, below)
Kelemen EP, Davidowitz G, Dornhaus A, 2020, ‘Size variation does not act as insurance in bumble bees; instead, workers add weight in an unpredictable environment’, Animal Behaviour 170, 99-109 - pdf - found no increased performance at whole-colony level of worker variation under different feeding regimes; unclear whether the result from Couvillon & Dornhaus 2010 was replicated here, but did find that lipid storage plastically responded to predictability of food.
Couvillon MJ, Fitzpatrick G, Dornhaus A 2010 ‘Ambient air temperature does not predict whether small or large workers forage in bumble bees (Bombus impatiens)', Psyche 2010, doi:10.1155/2010/536430 - pdf - tested the hypothesis that larger bees may be more prone to overheating (16deg C vs 36deg C) but did not find this to be the case.
Westling JN, Harrington K, Bengston S, Dornhaus A 2014 ‘Morphological differences between extranidal and intranidal workers in the ant Temnothorax rugatulus, but no effect of body size on foraging distance’, Insectes sociaux 61: 367-369 - pdf - although Temnothorax are often considered ‘monomorphic’, we show they do exhibit quite a bit of size variation among workers, and this may be associated with task. However, the latter did not replicate in Charbonneau et al. 2017, Integrative and Comparative Biol.
see also Jandt & Dornhaus 2009 for first comprehensive analysis of bumble bee division of labor
Inactive workers
It has long been known that many workers in social insect colonies appear ‘inactive’; we demonstrate thoroughly that some individuals are consistently inactive, in field and lab, and across contexts.
Why? Inactive workers may be too immature to work effectively, or young workers may serve as food storage or be more likely to be selfish.
Inactive workers, as a group, can also function as a ‘reserve force’, replacing active workers on demand, as previously hypothesized; however evidence for this is mixed.
Dornhaus A, Holley J-A, Pook VG, Worswick G, Franks NR 2008 'Why do not all workers work? Colony size and workload during emigrations in the ant Temnothorax albipennis', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 43-51 - pdf - some workers work a lot, many only a little (often more than half do not participate in emigrations at all); and this is more pronounced in smaller colonies (perhaps contrary to intuition; this result is correlative); quorum thresholds in emigration seem to be set relative to colony size
Charbonneau D, Dornhaus A 2015 ‘Workers ‘specialized’ on inactivity: Behavioral consistency of inactive workers and their role in task allocation’, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69: 1459-1472 - pdf - inactivity is the behavioral state that most differentiates workers; differs between workers and colonies and negatively correlates with all other tasks; circadian rhythm does not explain this
Charbonneau D, Hillis N, Dornhaus A 2015 ‘‘Lazy’ in nature: ant colony time budgets show high ‘inactivity’ in the field as well as in the lab’, Insectes sociaux 62: 31-35 - pdf - time budgets in field colonies do not differ from those in lab colonies [paper of the year in Ins soc]
Charbonneau D, Dornhaus A 2015 ‘When doing nothing is something. How task allocation strategies compromise between flexibility, efficiency, and inactive agents’, Journal of Bioeconomics 17: 217-242 - pdf - conceptual review of possible adaptive explanations for large numbers of inactive workers, particularly that of fast-fluctuating workloads
Charbonneau D, Poff C, Nguyen H, Shin MC, Kierstead K and Dornhaus A, 2017. Who Are the “Lazy” Ants? The Function of Inactivity in Social Insects and a Possible Role of Constraint: Inactive Ants Are Corpulent and May Be Young and/or Selfish, Integrative and Comparative Biology, 57(3), pp.649-667 - pdf - systematic test of the predictions of 6 hypotheses for why there are so many inactive workers in ant colonies is consistent with the idea that inactive workers may be young, possibly too immature or corpulent to work effectively
Charbonneau D, Sasaki T and Dornhaus A, 2017. Who needs ‘lazy’ workers? Inactive workers act as a ‘reserve’ labor force replacing active workers, but inactive workers are not replaced when they are removed, PloS one, 12(9): e0184074 - pdf - empirical demonstration of the often proposed idea that inactive workers are a reserve force that can recover colony function if previously active workers are removed; inactive workers are not replaced when removed, indicating that they did not perform some hidden function while ‘inactive’
Jandt JM, Robins NS, Moore RE, Dornhaus A 2012 ‘Individual bumblebees vary in response to disturbance: a test of the defensive reserve hypothesis’, Insectes sociaux 59: 313-321 - pdf - inactive bumble bee workers are not particularly likely to respond to disturbance directly or by increasing guarding behavior afterwards; thus they do not seem to act as ‘reserve’, at least for defense
see also Pinter-Wollman et al. 2012 on the reserve hypothesis
Specialization is a key aspect of division of labor, but how specialized social insect workers are is often overestimated. We also show that it does not always increase with colony size nor correlate with individual performance. The latter is particularly surprising.
Dornhaus A, Holley J-A, Franks N 2009 ‘Larger colonies do not have more specialized workers in the ant Temnothorax albipennis’, Behavioral Ecology 20: 922-929 - pdf - what the title says; also replicates the result from Dornhaus et al. 2008 that in smaller colonies, the most active worker plays a larger role
Jandt JM, Huang E, Dornhaus A 2009 'Weak specialization of workers inside a bumble bee nest', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 1829-1836 - pdf - task repertoire does not change with age nor body size; most workers do most tasks in no predictable order; some consistency in preferences, i.e. specialization
Dornhaus A 2008 ‘Specialization does not predict individual efficiency in an ant’, PLoS Biology 6: e285 - pdf - it’s not clear what determines individual efficiency, but degree of specialization is not it in Temnothorax ants
Walton A, Jandt J, Dornhaus A 2019 ‘Guard bees are more likely to act as undertakers: variation in corpse removal in the bumble bee Bombus impatiens’, Insectes sociaux 66: 533-541 - pdf - larger, guard bees remove corpses when those are present in the nest; specialists are also both more effective and invest more effort in this task
Response thresholds
A variety of predictions of the hypothesis that worker allocation to tasks, and thus specialization, is driven by sensitivity to task-associated stimuli are not supported in either bumble bees or our ant model (Temnothorax). We also learned that the research community is surprisingly resistant to accepting that this mechanism, proposed for honey bees, may not apply to all species, despite now-abundant evidence from multiple groups.
Perhaps the most novel conclusion here is that the mechanism driving task allocation may actually differ among tasks within species: e.g. brood care may be more driven by spatial fidelity (‘foraging for work’), whereas other tasks are driven by internal differences among workers.
Leitner NE, Gronenberg W, Dornhaus A 2019 ‘Peripheral sensory organs vary among ant workers but variation does not predict division of labor’, Behavioral Processes 158: 137-143 - pdf - high variation among workers in antennal sensilla density and number; does not correlate with task or activity, contradicting predictions from the response threshold hypothesis
Duong N, Dornhaus A 2012 ‘Ventilation response thresholds do not change with age or self-reinforcement in workers of the bumble bee Bombus impatiens’, Insectes sociaux 59: 25-32 - pdf - neither age nor experience seem to increase ventilation behavior
Leitner NE, Lynch C, Dornhaus A 2019 ‘Ants in isolation: obstacles to testing worker responses to task stimuli outside of the colony context’ Insectes sociaux 1-12 - pdf - whether isolated workers respond to any of three different stimuli associated with three different tasks does not predict how much they perform these tasks in the colony; this either shows that isolated workers behave abnormally or that response thresholds do not drive task allocation
Leitner N, Dornhaus A 2019 ‘Dynamic task allocation: how and why do social insect workers take on new tasks?’ Animal Behaviour 158: 47-63 - pdf - allocation to the task of brood care appears driven by spatial proximity, while allocation to foraging is driven by internal preferences, and an increase in the need for grooming is mostly satisfied by increasing the effort of already-active workers - thus task allocation mechanisms differ among tasks, new demand is addressed by a mix of reallocation and increase in activity; we also replicate the result of Leitner et al 2019 that (peripheral) sensory sensitivity does not predict task activity
Pinter-Wollman N, Hubler J, Holley J-A, Franks NR, Dornhaus A 2012 'How is activity distributed among and within tasks in Temnothorax ants?', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 1407-1420 - pdf - two somewhat competing hypotheses about work organization are tested here: specialization, the idea that work in one task negatively predicts preference for other tasks vs. elitism, the idea that some workers are highly active across tasks, and thus that work in one task would positively predict work in other tasks. Neither fully predicts the data; instead, within a set of out-of-nest tasks, activity in a task often does not correlate with activity in another (suggesting these are independent). This suggests that it is non-trivial to determine what constitutes ‘one task’. We also show that when inactive workers replace active workers, this behavioral change may be permanent (even when active workers return).
not yet peer reviewed: Lynch CM, Wilson RC, Dornhaus A 2024 ‘Stop and go: exploring alternative mechanisms for task allocation in social insects - response and satisfaction thresholds trade off cost, accuracy, and speed differently’, bioRxiv - pdf - a model of task allocation with subtle variations of the classic ‘response threshold’ algorithm. Counterintuitively, when considering biologically relevant parameter ranges, using ‘satisfaction’ instead of ‘response’ thresholds led to lower task-switching and slower reaction to increases in task demand, and composite thresholds most closely matched the number of workers allocated to the number needed. We did not model benefits of specialization; purely in terms of allocating workers to tasks, we also found that response thresholds usually perform worse than a null random choice model in terms of cost and efficiency, and variation among workers does not improve task allocation.
see also Jandt J, Dornhaus A 2014, Animal Behavior above on colony-level distribution of thresholds/preferences
Task switching
The costs of switching between tasks were recognized by Adam Smith as important for human division of labor; we show empirically that they amount to 10 seconds per switch in Temnothorax ants, and theoretically that such costs, by themselves, can lead to evolution of division of labor in groups.
Goldsby HJ, Dornhaus A, Kerr B, Ofria C ‘Task-switching costs promote the evolution of division of labor and shifts in individuality’, PNAS 109: 13686-13691 - pdf - higher task switching costs lead to evolution of division of labor in the AVIDA artificial-life system; and the task allocation mechanisms that evolve include communication, spatial patterning, and task-partitioning - resembling the mechanisms present in social insects. In some cases, individuals lose generalist functionality, becoming fully dependent on others.
Leighton G, Charbonneau D, Dornhaus A 2017 'Task-switching is associated with temporal delays in Temnothorax rugatulus ants', Behavioral Ecology 28: 319-327 - pdf - the interval between bouts of work is ~10seconds longer if a switch is involved, rather than staying with the same task; this amounts, approximately, to over 10 ant-minutes lost per hour of colony time compared to a scenario where individuals do not switch tasks at all.
Benefits and costs of different task allocation mechanisms
In several papers with computer scientist collaborators, we showed that ‘extra workers’ (perhaps the empirically found ‘inactive workers’?) are helpful for task allocation, and that optimally allocating workers that individually vary in skill at different tasks is near impossible to do quickly - suggesting that specialization may simply serve to keep costs of crowding and reallocation low.
Radeva T, Dornhaus A, Lynch N, Nagpal R, Su H-H, 2017. Costs of task allocation with local feedback: Effects of colony size and extra workers in social insects and other multi-agent systems, PloS Computational Biology 13(12): e1005904 - pdf - techniques from computer science are used to mathematically show that task allocation is particularly hard if information about demand for work in different tasks is not easily available to all; that there are no inherent benefits to task allocation for larger groups; and that having ‘extra’ workers considerably improves task allocation - a possible explanation for the above-mentioned, empirically found ‘inactive’ workers
Dornhaus A 2012 ‘Finding optimal collective strategies using individual-based simulations: colony organization in social insects’, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 18: 25-37 - pdf - discussion of how individual-based models, i.e. simulations, can help uncover non-intuitive outcomes of collective strategies (in social insects and elsewhere); demonstrates the importance of work/worker ratio and the benefit of specialization to prevent worker crowding - insights confirmed later (see Radeva et al. 2017); with some extra results on Dornhaus et al. 2006 (benefits of honey bee dance communication)
Dornhaus A, Lynch N, Mallmann-Trenn F, Pajak D, Radeva T, 2020, ‘Self-stabilizing task allocation in spite of noise’, Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (peer reviewed conference article) - pdf - a computer-science oriented paper analyzing a task allocation algorithm inspired by social insects and based on assessing task deficit (note order of authors is alphabetical)
Su, H.H., Su, L., Dornhaus, A. and Lynch, N., 2017. Ant-Inspired Dynamic Task Allocation via Gossiping. In: Spirakis P., Tsigas P. (eds) Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems. SSS 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10616. Springer - pdf - a computer-science oriented paper analyzing a task allocation algorithm inspired by social insects and based on ‘gossiping’, individual information exchange that can spread through the group
Cornejo A, Dornhaus A, Lynch N, Nagpal R 2014 ‘Task allocation in ant colonies’, Distributed Computing – Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8784: 46-60 - pdf - emphasizes the need to separate the problem specification from the strategy used to solve it in order to understand optimality; in computer science, the problem, the platform (agent capabilities), and strategy are all considered separately
If there is one theme of research in animal information processing and decision making, it is that insects qualitatively seem to have (almost?) all the cognitive skills we find in humans (see also youtube lectures on intelligence). We contribute by showing that bumble bees assess reliability of different information channels and use them accordingly (visual vs olfactory, social vs personal).
However, we also show that innate predispositions contribute a large amount to what we think of as ‘intelligent’ behavior; and indeed that information is costly, particularly sampling large sets of stimuli or learning large numbers of cues, and thus may also be ignored altogether to increase speed and thus efficiency of foraging.
Speed vs Accuracy
Accuracy, i.e. using information or even learning, trades off with speed; and bees care about the cost of errors.
Chittka, L, Dyer, A, Bock, F, Dornhaus, A 2003 ‘Bees trade off foraging speed for accuracy’, Nature 424: 388 - pdf - some individuals are consistently faster but more error-prone; if errors are costly, all bees distinguish colors more accurately
also see Franks et al. 2003 below for group-level speed vs accuracy
Complex tasks and innovation
Some tasks improve more with learning than others; and tasks that give no rewards until after learning may depend on innate persistence to ever be learnt.
Muth F, Keasar T, Dornhaus A 2015 ‘Trading off short-term costs for long-term gains: how do bumblebees decide to learn morphologically complex flowers?’, Animal Behaviour 101: 191-199 - pdf - bees learned a complex task if they had an innate preference for the flower color; if not, they did not persist enough to be able to overcome initial failure
Leonard AS, Brent J, Papaj DR, Dornhaus A 2013 ‘Floral nectar guide patterns discourage nectar robbing by bumble bees’, PLoS One 8: e55914 - pdf - if you make legitimacy easier, more people stick to it - simple
Barker J, Dornhaus A, Bronstein J, Muth F 2018 ‘Learning about larceny: experience can bias bumble bees to rob nectar’, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72:68 - pdf - learning may improve efficiency of some tasks more than others; and bees tend to repeat behaviors they know
Bumble bees learn both how reliable cues are and how often the environment changes - hierarchically a level ‘up’ from associative learning, i.e. perhaps ‘learning when to learn’.
Dunlap AS, Nielsen ME, Dornhaus A, Papaj DR 2016 ‘Foraging bumble bees weigh the reliability of personal and social information’, Current Biology 26: 1195-1199 - pdf - if information such as flower color is reliable, it is used - otherwise ignored; but if bee-or-no-bee on a flower is reliable, it is the preferred cue, if not, it is actively avoided (against optimality, everything else being equal) - so the reliability of social information is overvalued by bees
Dunlap A, Papaj D, Dornhaus A 2017 ‘Sampling and tracking a changing environment: persistence and reward in the foraging decisions of bumble bees’, Interface Focus (Royal Society Journal) 7: 20160149 - pdf - bees measure environmental stability, i.e. how often the signal-reward pairing changes, and react to faster change by more frequent sampling
complex stimuli
Unsurprisingly, additional informative signal components can help learning or signal robustness; however, signal elements that to not help the distinction task also may set context and thus help recall (and thus improve learning/certainty).
Salient signal components (or those that receivers have innate predisposition to attend to) can overshadow (prevent learning of) other signal components, and this is reward-specific (e.g. only for positive/sugar reward). This can lead to imperfect mimicry being quite successful.
And finally, we stereotype: individuals stick to processing key traits instead of all signal components if signals are too complex/diverse, even at the cost of making errors.
Kikuchi DW, Dornhaus A, Gopeechund V, Sherratt TN 2019 ‘Signal categorization by foraging animals depends on ecological diversity’ ELife e43965 - pdf - using humans as ‘foragers’ (in a digital visual search task), we show that diversity and complexity of signals leads individuals to stereotype, i.e. focus on a single somewhat predictive aspect, ignoring the others (presumably to save time and cognitive investment). Many implications, one is that mimicry may be easier to evolve in complex stimulus settings
Kikuchi DW, Dornhaus A 2018 ‘How cognitive biases select for imperfect mimicry: a study of asymmetry in learning with bumblebees’, Animal Behavior 144: 125-134 - pdf - predispositions of receivers affect interpretation and learning of signals: here, blue overshadows (prevents) learning of other cues when paired with reward, so ‘mimics’ only needed to match the blue not other signal parts; blue did not overshadow on stimuli paired with negative outcomes. Costs of errors surprisingly had no effect.
Leonard AS, Dornhaus A, Papaj DR 2011 ‘Flowers help bees cope with uncertainty: signal detection and the function of complex floral signals’, Journal of Experimental Biology 214: 113-121 - pdf - using a signal detection paradigm, we show that bees are less uncertain about color when scent is also present, even if the scent is not informative; possibly the second signal component (scent) helped recall by setting context
Kulahci IG, Dornhaus A, Papaj D 2008 ‘Multimodal signals enhance decision-making in foraging bumble-bees’ Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 275: 797-802 - pdf - bees learn faster and are more accurate if given visual+olfactory cues of reward; higher accuracy does not come at a cost to speed when a modality is added
Kaczorowski RL, Leonard AS, Dornhaus A, Papaj D 2012 ‘Floral signal complexity as a possible adaptation to environmental variability: a test using nectar foraging bumble bees’, Animal Behaviour 83: 905-913 - pdf - if signals are multimodal, information in one modality may rescue performance when the other modality is affected by environment (e.g. visual signals under low light)
Leonard AS, Dornhaus A, Papaj DR 2011 ‘Why are floral signals complex? An outline of functional hypotheses’, in: Evolution of Plant-Pollinator Relationships. Patiny, S. (ed.) Cambridge University Press - pdf - review of adaptive effects of multi-modal stimuli, specifically flowers on pollinators
Leonard AS, Dornhaus A, Papaj DR 2011 ‘Forget-me-not: complex floral signals, inter-signal interactions and pollinator cognition’ Current Zoology 57: 215-224 (invited contribution to special issue on complex signaling) - pdf - review of adaptive effects of multi-modal stimuli, specifically flowers on pollinators
Individual differences
Individuals differ. But what environments or conditions select for more or less such individual variation? In black widows, individual differences increase in social (high density) situations, and decrease with disturbance (both effects during development).
Interestingly, differences across multiple axes often come together in ‘syndromes’ (such that a difference in one axis predicts differences in another). For individual social insects, this is studied in the context of division of labor (see section above), although often the syndromes may not conform to classic interpretations (e.g. be more along axes of low vs. high quality workers or lean/old vs fat/young workers).
Groups, or colonies, also differ. We show here that ant colonies vary along a life-history-related syndrome that is driven by nest site competition.
Jandt J, Bengston SE, Pinter-Wolman N, Pruitt J, Raine N, Dornhaus A, Sih A 2014 ‘Behavioral syndromes and social insects: personality at multiple levels’ Biological Reviews 89: 48-67 - pdf - an early review, prompting more social insect literature to be considered by ‘personality’ researchers and vice versa
colony personalities
Temnothorax ant colonies in habitats with high nest site competition invest more in sexuals (reproduction) and less in growth (new workers), and this correlates with a suite of behavioral traits - a life history syndrome at the colony level.
Bengston SE, Dornhaus A 2014 'Be meek or be bold? A colony-level behavioural syndrome in ants', Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 281: 20140518 - pdf - in colonies from habitats across a large geographic range (Western US), field foraging distance correlates negatively with lab aggression, number of foragers, and threat response: these thus form a syndrome (independent of colony size, no of queens, or no of brood) - with more risk-tolerant (fewer, further foragers, more aggressive) colonies at higher latitudes; activity level in the colony without threat does not correlate.
Bengston SE, Dornhaus A 2015 ‘Latitudinal variation in behaviors linked to risk-tolerance is driven by nest-site competition and spatial distribution in the ant Temnothorax rugatulus’, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69: 1265-1274 - pdf - of a large number of environmental variables (related to competition, predation, resource avail-ability, or environmental stress), nest-site competition best predicts colony behavior (more competition ~ more risk tolerant)
Bengston S, Shin M, Dornhaus A 2017 ‘Life-history strategy and behavioral type: Risk-tolerance reflects growth rate and energy allocation in ant colonies’, Oikos 126: 556-564 - pdf - more risk-tolerant colonies invest more in reproduction (queens/males) and less in growth (new workers)
black widows
Black widows vary in a low vs high investment in foraging (many sticky threads) vs self-defense (better hideout) syndrome; we show that variation among individuals is driven by juvenile experience, and that social environments increase, but disturbance decreases variation.
DiRienzo N, Johnson C, Dornhaus A 2019 'Juvenile social experience generates differences in behavioral variation but not averages', Behavioral Ecology 30: 455–464 - pdf - juvenile experience of high density increases, juvenile experience of disturbance decreases population-level variation in behavior of black widow spiders
DiRienzo N, Schraft HA, Montiglio PO, Bradley CT, Dornhaus A, 2020, ‘Foraging behavior and extended phenotype independently affect foraging success in spiders’, Behavioral Ecology 31, 1242-1249 - pdf - aggressive behavior and number of gumfooted (sticky foraging) silk lines in the web of a black widow spider both and independently increase foraging success
Schraft H, Bilbrey C, Olenski M, DiRienzo N, Montiglio PO, Dornhaus A 2023 Injected serotonin decreases foraging aggression in black widow spiders (Latrodectus hesperus), but dopamine has no effect, Behavioural Processes 204: 104802 - what the title says
DiRienzo N, Bradley CT, Smith CA, Dornhaus A 2019 'Bringing down the house: male widow spiders reduce the webs of aggressive females more' Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73: 1-10 - pdf - males tear down a portion of the females web; this study shows that this probably mostly serves to reduce female cannibalism (instead of signaling or reducing competition from other males)
Collective decision-making
Groups making decisions may need to integrate information from different individual sources, evaluate it, and reach consensus on an action. Temnothorax ant colonies need to regularly choose and move to new nest sites, and may modulate the decision process based on urgency, collect information even before it becomes relevant, flexibly change decisions even during the process of implementation, and can serve as a model surprisingly closely resembling groups of neurons making decisions in the brain.
choosing a new nest
Presence of other colonies, pheromone marks, or dead ants are taken into account in nest site choices (and all avoided); a large number of traits of nest sites are evaluated, including size and number and width of entrances.
Franks NR, Dornhaus A, Hitchcock G, Guillem R, Hooper J, Webb C 2007 ‘Avoidance of conspecific colonies during nest choice by ants’ Animal Behaviour 73: 525-534 - pdf - if emigrating in the presence of another conspecific colony, ant colonies chose the nest cavity furthest away from it; unless the two colonies fused (with or without casualties); pheromone marks around nests play a role
Franks, N R, Dornhaus, A, Best, C S, Jones, E L 2006 ‘Decision-making by small and large house-hunting ant colonies: one size fits all’, Animal Behaviour 72: 611-616 - pdf - colonies of any size like large nests, perhaps because they grow into them; larger colonies have more scouts and discover more nests, but then use a higher quorum threshold and more reverse tandem runs to recruit transporters
Franks, N R, Dornhaus, A, Metherell, B G, Nelson, T R, Lanfear, S A J, Symes, W 2006 ‘Not everything that counts can be counted: Ants use multiple metrics for a single nest trait’, Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 273: 165-169 - pdf - ants use light level in the nest to help select nests with fewer, narrower entrances, but other metrics are likely also used; no evidence for strict ‘counting’
Franks, N R, Hooper, J, Webb, C, Dornhaus, A 2005 ‘Tomb evaders: house-hunting hygiene in ants’, Biology Letters 1: 190-192 - pdf - ants avoid new nest sites with dead ants in them
Franks, NR, Dornhaus, A 2003 ‘How might individual honeybees measure massive volumes?’, Proceedings B: Biology Letters 270 (Supplement 2): 181-182 - pdf - conceptual paper suggesting that honey bees could use a Buffon’s-Needle-like algorithm to estimate internal area (as ants do) and add 3-dimensional free diameter measurements to estimate volume of a potential nest cavity
Arriving at consensus
The decision-making process in colony emigrations of Temnothorax ants is generally well-studied (see also other publications by NR Franks and S Pratt and others).
Key general contributions here are showing the similarity to known neural decision-making networks in the brain, and how quorum thresholds can modulate between speed and accuracy of decisions.
For ants, we demonstrate learning of information that will only later be relevant (latent learning, and ability to move unprompted in response to opportunity) and flexibility during the decision (changing their collective mind mid-stream).
Dornhaus, A, Franks, NR, Hawkins, RM, Shere, HNS 2004 ‘Ants move to improve – colonies of Leptothorax albipennis emigrate whenever they find a superior nest site’, Animal Behaviour 67: 959-963 - pdf - ants can emigrate from an intact nest to a preferred one, but it takes long and they use a high quorum threshold
Franks NR, Hooper JW, Dornhaus A, Aukett PJ, Hayward AL, Berghoff S 2007 ‘Reconnaissance and latent learning in ants’, Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 274: 1505-1509 - pdf - ants learn about nest properties even before they need a new nest, and remember this information when the need arises later
Dornhaus A, Franks NR 2006 ‘Colony size affects collective decision-making in the ant Temnothorax albipennis’, Insectes sociaux 53: 420-427 - pdf - ants adjust their individual-level behavior to their colony size; colony size effects are not just emergent from higher worker number. It is likely that quorums are set as relative to colony size in the original nest. Learning may have bigger effects in small colonies.
Franks, NR, Dornhaus, A, Fitzsimmons, JP, Stevens, M, 2003, ‘Speed vs Accuracy in Collective Decision-Making’, Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 270: 2457-2463 - pdf - when time is of the essence, ants use a lower quorum threshold, i.e. rely on fewer other individuals and agreement in the group; as a result, collective decisions become faster and less accurate.
Franks NR, Hooper JW, Gumn M, Bridger TH, Marshall JAR, Groß R, Dornhaus A 2007 ‘Moving targets: collective decisions and flexible choices in house-hunting ants’ Swarm Intelligence 1: 81-94 - pdf - ants
Planque R, Dornhaus A, Franks NR, Kovacs T, Marshall JAR 2007 ‘Weighting waiting in collective decision-making’ Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 61: 347-356 - pdf - data re-analysis and model show that ants, in collective emigration decisions, are flexible early on and grow more committed (and inflexible) over time, which is an effective strategy
Marshall JAR, Bogacz R, Dornhaus A, Planque R, Kovacs T, Franks NR, 2009 ‘On optimal decision-making in brains and social insect colonies’ Journal of The Royal Society Interface 6: 1065-1074 - pdf - populations of neurons and ant colonies employ a strikingly similar mechanism to reach consensus decisions with an optimal speed-accuracy tradeoff
Marshall JAR, Bogacz R, Planqué R, Dornhaus A, Kovacs T, Franks NR 2011 ‘On optimal decision making in brains and social insect colonies’, in: Seth et al. (eds.) Modelling Natural Action Selection. Cambridge University Press - pdf
Marshall JAR, Dornhaus A, Franks NR, Kovacs T 2006 ‘Noise, cost and speed-accuracy trade-offs: decision making in decentralised systems’, Journal of The Royal Society Interface 3: 243-254 - pdf - a model of the ant-consensus-decision-making mechanism shows that noise and time-cost of assessing alternative choices are likely to be significant, and that ants are likely Pareto-optimal in their willingness (or not) to change their mind
Franks NR, Dornhaus A, Marshall JAR, Deuchaume-Moncharmont F-X, 2009. ‘The dawn of a golden age in mathematical insect sociobiology’. In: Eds. J. Fewell & J. Gadau, Organization of Insect Societies, Harvard University Press [invited chapter in edited book] - pdf - a review of the types of models used in describing social insect self-organization, and what may be learned from them
Marshall JAR, Kovacs T, Dornhaus AR, et al 2003 ‘Simulating the evolution of ant behaviour in evaluating nest sites’, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2801: 643-650 2003 - pdf - evaluation of the ants’ Buffon’s needle algorithm to measure nest area, and comparison to a ‘one-pass’ version of the algorithm (simulation)
Spatial pattern
Spatial patterning is an important mechanism of organization in social insect colonies, both within and across nests (if polydomous); this creates informational heterogeneity.
Worker sorting
In the first demonstration of an organizational mechanism for creating polymorphic workers in social insect colonies, we demonstrated that nurse bees stick to the center of the nest but brood is spread across the nest, leading to less-fed, smaller pupae in the periphery.
Nonetheless, bumble bees maintain development temperature in all brood across the nest.
Workers of some other tasks are also non-randomly sorted across the nest area.
Jandt JM, Dornhaus A 2009 Spatial organization and division of labor in the bumble bee, Bombus impatiens Animal Behaviour 77: 641-651 - pdf - bumble bees, like some ants, maintain spatial fidelity zones in the nest (small areas where they are predictably found), with brood care workers/smaller workers in smaller zones nearer the nest center, and foragers near the periphery even when inactive; this paper is also the first to demonstrate body size-based division of labor in bumble bees for tasks other than foraging, and shows a weak age differences between tasks
Couvillon MJ, Dornhaus A 2009 Location, location, location: larvae position inside the nest is correlated with adult body size in worker bumble bees (Bombus impatiens), Proceedings of the Royal Society: Biological Sciences 276: 2411-2418 - pdf - larvae nearer the center of the nest are fed more and turn into larger pupae; together with the results above that nurses stick to the center, this provides a mechanism for generating body size variation in concurrently raised brood
Jandt JM, Dornhaus A 2011 Competition and cooperation: bumblebee spatial organization and division of labor may affect worker reproduction late in life, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 2341-2349 - pdf - workers who reproduced after the queen was gone were larger, older, and had been both more inactive and staying away from the queen when she was still around; suggesting inactive workers may gain selfish benefits later even if not immediately
Kelemen E, Dornhaus A 2018 ‘Lower temperatures decrease worker size variation but do not affect fine-grained thermoregulation in bumble bees’, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 72: 170 - pdf - bees maintain high temperatures for brood in all locations, but not honeypots; under higher ambient temperatures, more size variation in brood is produced
Since spatial distribution of workers in the nest matters, it is likely that nest cavity shape and built architecture have important roles to play; this new area of research is being explored.
We show that even simple built walls by Temnothorax colonies have repeatable, and thus possibly relevant, traits.
First description of social pseudoscorpion nests in detail.
DiRienzo N, Dornhaus A 2017 ‘Temnothorax rugatulus ant colonies consistently vary in nest structure across time and context’, PLoS One 12: e0177598 - pdf - colonies build walls to encircle the used part of their nest cavity; these are thicker when colonies have more brood, thicker, longer, and heavier with higher ambient humidity, and colonies differ (repeatably) in the traits of walls they build
Chapin KJ, Kittle A, Dornhaus A 2022 Social pseudoscorpion nest architecture provides direct benefits to group members and rivals the efficiency of honey bees, Journal of Arachnology 50: 323-334 - pdf - detailed quantitative descriptions of nests of social pseudoscorpions, which consist of multiple molting chambers or ‘cells’; calculation of the amount of silk saved by cooperation
Chism GT, Nichols W, Dornhaus A 2024 Cavity geometry shapes overall ant colony organization through spatial limits, but workers maintain fidelity zones, Animal Behaviour 216: 195-211 - pdf - bioRXiv - distribution of colony members differs between tube- and circle-shaped nests and shows non-random distribution, but spatial fidelity zones remain the same
not yet peer reviewed: Chism GT, Dornhaus A 2022 Temnothorax rugatulus ants do not change their nest walls in response to environmental humidity, bioRXiv - external humidity does not have an effect on built nest walls, but ant colonies have preferences for particle sizes and wall density that are consistent between field and lab
Networks among spatially viscous or unmoving agents show high clustering, and slow information flow along the global network.
More work in this area, particularly with large empirical datasets, is needed.
Blonder B, Dornhaus A 2011 'Time-ordered networks reveal limitations to information flow in ant colonies', PLoS One 6: e20298 - pdf - using a large empirical dataset of ant-ant interactions, we show that indeed spatial viscosity in movement strongly limits information flow in ant colonies
Charbonneau D, Blonder B, Dornhaus A 2013 ‘Social insects: a model system for network dynamics’, in: Holme P and Jari S: Temporal Networks. Springer books - pdf - conceptual review paper showing examples of network analysis in social insect research and calling for more use of such techniques
Multiple nests can be used by ants to effectively exploit a larger area; and ‘outstations’ may be nest-like even without brood in them.
Also, ants make cockroach jerky.
Collective search pattern does not seem to involve much coordination between ants (at least in Temnothorax). However, individuals have complex search strategies: systematic meandering combined with random walks, strong consistent differences between individuals, changes as ants become familiar with their environment, and effects of very subtle environmental heterogeneities.
Lanan MC, Dornhaus A, Bronstein J 2011 'The function of polydomy: the ant Crematogaster torosa preferentially forms new nests near food sources and fortifies outstations', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 959-968 - pdf - ants make beef jerky (out of cockroaches); colonies may inhabit multiple nest sites, and if so, often found new nests near valuable locations; and while a ‘nest’ technically is only a cavity with brood in it, ants also inhabit ‘outstations’ (without brood, but with adults and which are fortified, so not just short-term shelters for foragers); workers are preferentially associated with a particular nest even if there is traffic between nests
Popp S, Dornhaus A 2023 ‘Ants combine systematic meandering and correlated random walks when searching for unknown resources’, iScience 26: 105916 - pdf - as ants move in large empty arena, their turn directions autocorrelate, such that they meander regularly, changing turn direction roughly every 10 mm (3 body lengths). This reduces self-crosses and dispersion from the nest, and constitutes a form of systematic search (with stochastic elements). Such a combination of random walking with systematic search may be a compromise between efficiency and robustness of search.
Popp S, Dornhaus A 2023 ‘Ant colonies explore novel environments with more slower, curvier walks, particularly near the nest’, Insectes sociaux 70: 463–474 - pdf - colony-level exploration activity decreased with time, but only within a roughly 1 m radius around the nest, possibly reflecting a shift from familiarization (or marking) to searching. Individuals’ movements overall also became slightly straighter and faster across and within days.
Popp S, Dornhaus A 2024 ‘Collective search in ants: Movement determines footprints, and footprints influence movement’, PLoS One 19: e0299432 - pdf - we show that geometric constraints and side-effects can generate artefacts in analyzing search paths, particularly when it comes to area preferences. Nonetheless, even controlling for these artefacts we find that ants prefer to walk on areas with more footprint pheromone (inferred from data on previous ant walks on the same surface). However, search density around an ant colony is more affected by individual differences in movement pattern and local spatial heterogeneities.
Collective contests
The primary enemy of ants are other ants, often of the same species: ants are not only competitors for rare nest sites in species that do not build their own nests, but also fight over brood (which is a valuable resource); and ant colonies often completely eliminate other colonies. It is thus likely that strategies for assessing and defending against other ant colonies are as sophisticated as those for, for example, collective foraging. Here we show that defensive resources are adaptively allocated across colony space, and that colonies, probably using interaction rates and assessment of worker speed and aggression, can determine the fighting ability and resources held by other colonies to determine their contest behavior.
Defense allocation
Donaldson-Matasci MC, Powell S, Dornhaus A 2022, ‘Distributing defenses: How resource defendability shapes the optimal response to risk’, The American Naturalist 199: 636-652 - pdf - a general mathematical model to determine the optimal strategy for dividing defenses among assets depending on their value, defendability, and risk of attack; shows that if some assets have little chance of being defended, it is better to give up and not invest in their defense at all
Powell S, Donaldson-Matasci M, Woodrow-Tomizuka A, Dornhaus A 2017 ‘Context-dependent defences in turtle ants: Resource defensibility and threat level induce dynamic shifts in soldier deployment’, Functional Ecology 31: 2287-2298 - pdf - soldier ants (majors which block entrances with their heads) in the turtle ant Cephalotes rohweri are dynamically and adaptively allocated among multiple nests of the same colony
Powell S, Dornhaus A 2013 ‘Soldier-based defences dynamically track resource availability and quality in ants’, Animal Behaviour 85: 157-164 - pdf - see also above paper: soldiers in C. rohweri are adaptively allocated among nests but in a conservative bet-hedging strategy
Enemy assessment
Chapin KJ, Paat VA, Dornhaus A 2022 ‘Brood as booty: the effect of colony size and resource value in social insect contests’, Behavioral Ecology 33: 549-555 - pdf - Temnothorax colonies contest over brood (which can be eaten or raised as ‘slaves’ in the winner colony); we demonstrate that colonies can assess both their opponent’s and their own colony size (fighting ability) and resource value (amount of brood) to determine their contest strategy
Purpose of models in biology
Dornhaus A, Smith B, Hristova K, Buckley L 2021, ‘How can we fully realize the potential of mathematical and biological models to reintegrate biology?’, Integrative and Comparative Biology: icab142 - pdf - outcome of an NSF-sponsored workshop on ‘Reintegrating Biology’; argues that many researchers (modelers and empiricists alike) would benefit from more clearly defining what the purpose of (their) models is and can be, and distinguishing between explanatory, forecast, and statistical models (which have and need different levels of detail/generality, and where in each case the word ‘predicts’ means a qualitatively different thing)
Network analysis
Blonder B, Wey TW, Dornhaus A, James R, Sih A ‘Temporal dynamics and network analysis’, Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 958-972 - pdf - review paper on the benefits of adding a time component to network analysis, and review of existing analysis tools as well as an accompanying package particularly geared towards animal social network analysis (analysis of dynamical, time-ordered interactions, such as directional information flow through a network)
not yet peer reviewed: Rice L, Tate S, Farynyk D, Sun J, Chism G, Charbonneau D, Fasciano T, Dornhaus A, Shin MC 2020 ‘ABCTracker: an easy-to-use, cloud-based application for tracking multiple objects’, arXiv preprint - pdf - ABCTracker newest iteration & description
Nguyen H, Fasciano T, Charbonneau D, Dornhaus A, Shin MC 2014 ‘Data Association Based Ant Tracking with Interactive Error Correction’; WACV 2014: IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (peer reviewed conference paper) - pdf - ABCTracker development - this tracker has the unique advance of allowing user corrections after tracking with an easy-to-use graphical interface, and with ML help in identifying the most crucial/uncertain places to be checked by the user first, to effectively make use of the user’s manual time investment
Rice L, Dornhaus A, Shin MC 2015 ‘Efficient Training of Multiple Ant Tracking’, WACV 2015: IEEE Winder Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (peer-reviewed conference paper) - pdf - ABCTracker advances, now particularly better tracking with much less training data
Fasciano T, Dornhaus A, Shin MC 2015 ‘Multiple Insect Tracking with Occlusion Sub-tunnels’, WACV 2015: IEEE Winder Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (peer-reviewed conference paper) - pdf -
Fasciano T, Dornhaus A, Shin MC 2014 ‘Ant Tracking with Occlusion Tunnels’; WACV 2014: IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (peer reviewed conference paper) - pdf - improved tracking in ABCTracker
Fasciano T, Nguyen H, Dornhaus A, Shin MC 2013 ‘Tracking multiple ants in a colony’, Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2013 IEEE Workshop pp.534-540 (peer reviewed conference paper) - pdf - ABCTracker advances
Fletcher M, Dornhaus A, Shin MC 2011 ‘Multiple Ant Tracking with Global Foreground Maximization and Variable Target Proposal Distribution’, WACV '11 Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision WACV p570-576 (peer reviewed conference paper) - pdf - initial ABCTracker paper focusing on the task of tracking large numbers of often-occluded and similar-looking ants
Ferguson HM, Dornhaus A, Beeche A, Borgemeister C, Gottlieb M, Mulla MS, Gimnig JE, Fish D, Killeen GF 2010 ‘Ecology: a prerequisite for Malaria elimination and eradication’, PLoS Medicine 7: e1000303 - pdf - forum article resulting from a Gates Foundation workgroup, arguing that mosquito ecology is poorly understood, but essential to full malaria eradication (and perhaps to significant progress in that area)
Jones EI, Dornhaus A 2011 'Predation risk makes bees reject rewarding flowers and reduce foraging activity', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 65: 1505-1511 - pdf - empirical paper on bumble bees in which bees were squeezed with forceps to simulate a (failed) predation attempt
Huang MH, Dornhaus A 2008 ‘A meta-analysis of ant social parasitism: host characteristics of different parasitism types and a test of Emery's rule’ Ecological Entomology 33: 589-596 - pdf - comparative analysis shows social parasites are closely related to their hosts (Emery’s rule) in inquilinism and temporary parasitism, but not in dulosis and xenobiosis, indicating the different social parasite types may have different evolutionary origins. Chemical mimicry may allow invasion of large host colonies IF parasites are closely related to hosts and concentrate on a single host species; other social parasites may use a variety of mimicry or invasion strategies (an erratum provides the supplementary information, which was not linked in the original publication).
not yet peer reviewed: Bengston SE, Dornhaus A, Rabeling C 2024 ‘The discovery of mixed colonies in Temnothorax ants supports the territoriality hypothesis of dulotic social parasite evolution in myrmicine ants’, bioRxiv - pdf - northern US populations of Temnothorax live under high competition for nest sites, and we find here that they often contain mixed-species colonies, probably resulting from indiscriminate brood robbing from other congeneric colonies.
Bengston SE, Dornhaus A 2013 ‘Colony size does not predict foraging distance in the ant Temnothorax rugatulus: a puzzle for standard scaling models’, Insectes sociaux 60: 93-96 - pdf - following individual workers in the field, we find a median foraging distance of ~1.5m in the leaf litter for T. rugatulus ants, but no significant differences between colonies or correlation with colony size. Possibly this indicates weak selection on foraging efficiency in this species.
not yet peer reviewed: McWaters SR, Popp S, Rivera MD, Mendoza F, Dornhaus A 2024 ‘Inexperienced bumble bees are poor at securely landing regardless of flower orientation or presence of labellum’, bioRxiv - pdf - a good proportion of bumble bee landing attempts on artificial flowers (flat, vertical, or with a labellum) are unsuccessful and need to be re-attempted, possibly >30%. Flower morphology does not seem to make a difference, but larger bees were slightly more likely to fail.
Kelemen EP, Cao N, Cao T, Davidowitz G, Dornhaus A 2019 ‘Metabolic rate predicts the lifespan of workers in the bumble bee Bombus impatiens’ Apidologie 50: 195-203 - pdf - in bumble bee workers in the lab, resting metabolic rate measured at emergence explained 17% of variation in lifespan; colony identity explained more, body weight less of the variation; age did not seem to significantly affect resting metabolic rate.
Cao TT, Dornhaus A 2012 ‘Larger laboratory colonies consume proportionally less energy and have lower per capita brood production in Temnothorax ants’, Insectes sociaux 60: 1-5 - pdf - we found colony metabolic rate scales with colony mass (!) to the 0.78 power and brood number scales with worker number (!) to the 0.49 power (i.e. ‘colony size’ here is measured as two different things). All colonies were controlled for density (i.e. had the same area per weight of colony contents - workers, queens, and brood - available in the nest).
Cao TT, Dornhaus A 2008 'Ants under crowded conditions consume more energy' Biology Letters 4: 613-615 - pdf - when reducing the intra-nest space available to Temnothorax rugatulus colonies in the lab, their colony-level metabolic rate increased.
PlacePlace-based education - ResearchGate -