Division of labor

The central theme in our work on division of labor is understanding the degree of individual variation in cooperative groups that is adaptive, and dissecting the processes that make it so. Counterintuitively, several of our studies on bumble bees and Temnothorax ants have found that conventional explanations, such as higher individual efficiency of specialists, don’t hold, and that specialization is generally much lower than often portrayed for social insects.
Interestingly, other than the classic ‘division of labor to increase work output’ as proposed by Adam Smith (for humans), we have proposed other processes, both adaptive and non-adaptive, that may lead to division of labor: in particular, the interaction of comparative advantage effects and cost of worker production, and the possibility that ‘unemployed’ workers are actually crucial for effective task allocation. We also demonstrated that inactive workers can make up a high proportion of colony workforce, and we discuss additional explanations, such as fast-fluctuating task demands, traffic congestion, and low worker quality (perhaps because of immaturity).

size variation

Bumble bee workers show extreme size variation within colonies. We showed that this is not a lab artefact, and that it is specific to workers (not queens or males), suggesting it is not a necessary result of a disorganized nest, for example (see Spatial Pattern below). The evolutionary benefit of such size variation however is unclear. Smaller workers appear to store more fat, and this may drive longer survival in some conditions, but generally large workers perform better (and live longer). Incidentally we show that under unpredictable food availability, workers generally store more fat.

Several manuscripts on this topic are in review - these suggest that small workers may be cheap, low quality workers for tasks where high quality workers are not worth their cost.

Kelemen EP, Skyrm K, Dornhaus A 2022, ‘Selection on size variation: more variation in bumble bee workers and in the wild’, Insectes sociaux 69: 93-98 - pdf - field-raised bumble bee colonies produce the same variation in worker body size as lab-raised ones; and variation is much higher in workers than males or queens, suggesting different selection on body size consistency

Couvillon MJ, Jandt J, Duong N, Dornhaus A 2010 ‘Ontogeny of worker body size distribution in bumble bee (Bombus impatiens) colonies’, Ecological Entomology 35: 424-435 - pdf - with the exception of the very first worker generations (not studied here), bumble bee colonies produce the same degree of variation in worker body size throughout ontogeny, and produce varying body sizes even in simultaneously raised workers (contradicting the idea that standing size variation may reflect change in size across generations)

Couvillon MJ, Dornhaus A 2010 ‘Small worker bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) are hardier against starvation than their larger sisters', Insectes sociaux 57: 193-197 - pdf - when deprived of food in the lab, larger workers died earlier than smaller ones (support for the idea that perhaps there is a performance-robustness tradeoff across worker sizes)

Couvillon MJ, Jandt J, Bonds J, Helm BR, Dornhaus A 2011 ‘Percent lipid is associated with body size but not task in the bumble bee Bombus impatiens’, Journal of Comparative Physiology A 197: 1097-1104 - pdf - smaller workers store more fats; larger workers more often forage and smaller ones more often nurse, and ‘nursing’ in social insects is often associated with lipid storage (and foraging with leanness) - but here we found that size, not task, was the better explanation for differences in lipid storage

Jandt J, Dornhaus A 2014 'Bumblebee response thresholds and body size: does worker diversity increase colony performance?', Animal Behavior 87:97-106 - pdf - worker variation did not increase colony performance; instead, average worker preference for a task seems to predict task performance; one of two colony level manipulation studies from our lab showing this same lack of benefit of division of labor (the other is Kelemen et al. 2020, below)

Kelemen EP, Davidowitz G, Dornhaus A, 2020, ‘Size variation does not act as insurance in bumble bees; instead, workers add weight in an unpredictable environment’, Animal Behaviour 170, 99-109 - pdf - found no increased performance at whole-colony level of worker variation under different feeding regimes; unclear whether the result from Couvillon & Dornhaus 2010 was replicated here, but did find that lipid storage plastically responded to predictability of food.

Couvillon MJ, Fitzpatrick G, Dornhaus A 2010 ‘Ambient air temperature does not predict whether small or large workers forage in bumble bees (Bombus impatiens)', Psyche 2010, doi:10.1155/2010/536430 - pdf - tested the hypothesis that larger bees may be more prone to overheating (16deg C vs 36deg C) but did not find this to be the case.

Westling JN, Harrington K, Bengston S, Dornhaus A 2014 ‘Morphological differences between extranidal and intranidal workers in the ant Temnothorax rugatulus, but no effect of body size on foraging distance’, Insectes sociaux 61: 367-369 - pdf - although Temnothorax are often considered ‘monomorphic’, we show they do exhibit quite a bit of size variation among workers, and this may be associated with task. However, the latter did not replicate in Charbonneau et al. 2017, Integrative and Comparative Biol.

see also Jandt & Dornhaus 2009 for first comprehensive analysis of bumble bee division of labor

Inactive workers

It has long been known that many workers in social insect colonies appear ‘inactive’; we demonstrate thoroughly that some individuals are consistently inactive, in field and lab, and across contexts.

Why? Inactive workers may be too immature to work effectively, or young workers may serve as food storage or be more likely to be selfish.
Inactive workers, as a group, can also function as a ‘reserve force’, replacing active workers on demand, as previously hypothesized; however evidence for this is mixed.

Dornhaus A, Holley J-A, Pook VG, Worswick G, Franks NR 2008 'Why do not all workers work? Colony size and workload during emigrations in the ant Temnothorax albipennis', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 43-51 - pdf - some workers work a lot, many only a little (often more than half do not participate in emigrations at all); and this is more pronounced in smaller colonies (perhaps contrary to intuition; this result is correlative); quorum thresholds in emigration seem to be set relative to colony size

Charbonneau D, Dornhaus A 2015 ‘Workers ‘specialized’ on inactivity: Behavioral consistency of inactive workers and their role in task allocation’, Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 69: 1459-1472 - pdf - inactivity is the behavioral state that most differentiates workers; differs between workers and colonies and negatively correlates with all other tasks; circadian rhythm does not explain this

Charbonneau D, Hillis N, Dornhaus A 2015 ‘‘Lazy’ in nature: ant colony time budgets show high ‘inactivity’ in the field as well as in the lab’, Insectes sociaux 62: 31-35 - pdf - time budgets in field colonies do not differ from those in lab colonies [paper of the year in Ins soc]

Charbonneau D, Dornhaus A 2015 ‘When doing nothing is something. How task allocation strategies compromise between flexibility, efficiency, and inactive agents’, Journal of Bioeconomics 17: 217-242 - pdf - conceptual review of possible adaptive explanations for large numbers of inactive workers, particularly that of fast-fluctuating workloads

Charbonneau D, Poff C, Nguyen H, Shin MC, Kierstead K and Dornhaus A, 2017. Who Are the “Lazy” Ants? The Function of Inactivity in Social Insects and a Possible Role of Constraint: Inactive Ants Are Corpulent and May Be Young and/or Selfish, Integrative and Comparative Biology, 57(3), pp.649-667 - pdf - systematic test of the predictions of 6 hypotheses for why there are so many inactive workers in ant colonies is consistent with the idea that inactive workers may be young, possibly too immature or corpulent to work effectively

Charbonneau D, Sasaki T and Dornhaus A, 2017. Who needs ‘lazy’ workers? Inactive workers act as a ‘reserve’ labor force replacing active workers, but inactive workers are not replaced when they are removed, PloS one, 12(9): e0184074 - pdf - empirical demonstration of the often proposed idea that inactive workers are a reserve force that can recover colony function if previously active workers are removed; inactive workers are not replaced when removed, indicating that they did not perform some hidden function while ‘inactive’

Jandt JM, Robins NS, Moore RE, Dornhaus A 2012 ‘Individual bumblebees vary in response to disturbance: a test of the defensive reserve hypothesis’, Insectes sociaux 59: 313-321 - pdf - inactive bumble bee workers are not particularly likely to respond to disturbance directly or by increasing guarding behavior afterwards; thus they do not seem to act as ‘reserve’, at least for defense

see also Pinter-Wollman et al. 2012 on the reserve hypothesis


Specialization is a key aspect of division of labor, but how specialized social insect workers are is often overestimated. We also show that it does not always increase with colony size nor correlate with individual performance. The latter is particularly surprising.

Dornhaus A, Holley J-A, Franks N 2009 ‘Larger colonies do not have more specialized workers in the ant Temnothorax albipennis’, Behavioral Ecology 20: 922-929 - pdf - what the title says; also replicates the result from Dornhaus et al. 2008 that in smaller colonies, the most active worker plays a larger role

Jandt JM, Huang E, Dornhaus A 2009 'Weak specialization of workers inside a bumble bee nest', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63: 1829-1836 - pdf - task repertoire does not change with age nor body size; most workers do most tasks in no predictable order; some consistency in preferences, i.e. specialization

Dornhaus A 2008 ‘Specialization does not predict individual efficiency in an ant’, PLoS Biology 6: e285 - pdf - it’s not clear what determines individual efficiency, but degree of specialization is not it in Temnothorax ants

Walton A, Jandt J, Dornhaus A 2019 ‘Guard bees are more likely to act as undertakers: variation in corpse removal in the bumble bee Bombus impatiens’, Insectes sociaux 66: 533-541 - pdf - larger, guard bees remove corpses when those are present in the nest; specialists are also both more effective and invest more effort in this task

Response thresholds

A variety of predictions of the hypothesis that worker allocation to tasks, and thus specialization, is driven by sensitivity to task-associated stimuli are not supported in either bumble bees or our ant model (Temnothorax). We also learned that the research community is surprisingly resistant to accepting that this mechanism, proposed for honey bees, may not apply to all species, despite now-abundant evidence from multiple groups.

Perhaps the most novel conclusion here is that the mechanism driving task allocation may actually differ among tasks within species: e.g. brood care may be more driven by spatial fidelity (‘foraging for work’), whereas other tasks are driven by internal differences among workers.

Leitner NE, Gronenberg W, Dornhaus A 2019 ‘Peripheral sensory organs vary among ant workers but variation does not predict division of labor’, Behavioral Processes 158: 137-143 - pdf - high variation among workers in antennal sensilla density and number; does not correlate with task or activity, contradicting predictions from the response threshold hypothesis

Duong N, Dornhaus A 2012 ‘Ventilation response thresholds do not change with age or self-reinforcement in workers of the bumble bee Bombus impatiens’, Insectes sociaux 59: 25-32 - pdf - neither age nor experience seem to increase ventilation behavior

Leitner NE, Lynch C, Dornhaus A 2019 ‘Ants in isolation: obstacles to testing worker responses to task stimuli outside of the colony contextInsectes sociaux 1-12 - pdf - whether isolated workers respond to any of three different stimuli associated with three different tasks does not predict how much they perform these tasks in the colony; this either shows that isolated workers behave abnormally or that response thresholds do not drive task allocation

Leitner N, Dornhaus A 2019 ‘Dynamic task allocation: how and why do social insect workers take on new tasks?Animal Behaviour 158: 47-63 - pdf - allocation to the task of brood care appears driven by spatial proximity, while allocation to foraging is driven by internal preferences, and an increase in the need for grooming is mostly satisfied by increasing the effort of already-active workers - thus task allocation mechanisms differ among tasks, new demand is addressed by a mix of reallocation and increase in activity; we also replicate the result of Leitner et al 2019 that (peripheral) sensory sensitivity does not predict task activity

Pinter-Wollman N, Hubler J, Holley J-A, Franks NR, Dornhaus A 2012 'How is activity distributed among and within tasks in Temnothorax ants?', Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 66: 1407-1420 - pdf - two somewhat competing hypotheses about work organization are tested here: specialization, the idea that work in one task negatively predicts preference for other tasks vs. elitism, the idea that some workers are highly active across tasks, and thus that work in one task would positively predict work in other tasks. Neither fully predicts the data; instead, within a set of out-of-nest tasks, activity in a task often does not correlate with activity in another (suggesting these are independent). This suggests that it is non-trivial to determine what constitutes ‘one task’. We also show that when inactive workers replace active workers, this behavioral change may be permanent (even when active workers return).

not yet peer reviewed: Lynch CM, Wilson RC, Dornhaus A 2024 ‘Stop and go: exploring alternative mechanisms for task allocation in social insects - response and satisfaction thresholds trade off cost, accuracy, and speed differently’, bioRxiv - pdf - a model of task allocation with subtle variations of the classic ‘response threshold’ algorithm. Counterintuitively, when considering biologically relevant parameter ranges, using ‘satisfaction’ instead of ‘response’ thresholds led to lower task-switching and slower reaction to increases in task demand, and composite thresholds most closely matched the number of workers allocated to the number needed. We did not model benefits of specialization; purely in terms of allocating workers to tasks, we also found that response thresholds usually perform worse than a null random choice model in terms of cost and efficiency, and variation among workers does not improve task allocation.

see also Jandt J, Dornhaus A 2014, Animal Behavior above on colony-level distribution of thresholds/preferences

Task switching

The costs of switching between tasks were recognized by Adam Smith as important for human division of labor; we show empirically that they amount to 10 seconds per switch in Temnothorax ants, and theoretically that such costs, by themselves, can lead to evolution of division of labor in groups.

Goldsby HJ, Dornhaus A, Kerr B, Ofria C ‘Task-switching costs promote the evolution of division of labor and shifts in individuality’, PNAS 109: 13686-13691 - pdf - higher task switching costs lead to evolution of division of labor in the AVIDA artificial-life system; and the task allocation mechanisms that evolve include communication, spatial patterning, and task-partitioning - resembling the mechanisms present in social insects. In some cases, individuals lose generalist functionality, becoming fully dependent on others.

Leighton G, Charbonneau D, Dornhaus A 2017 'Task-switching is associated with temporal delays in Temnothorax rugatulus ants', Behavioral Ecology 28: 319-327 - pdf - the interval between bouts of work is ~10seconds longer if a switch is involved, rather than staying with the same task; this amounts, approximately, to over 10 ant-minutes lost per hour of colony time compared to a scenario where individuals do not switch tasks at all.

Benefits and costs of different task allocation mechanisms

In several papers with computer scientist collaborators, we showed that ‘extra workers’ (perhaps the empirically found ‘inactive workers’?) are helpful for task allocation, and that optimally allocating workers that individually vary in skill at different tasks is near impossible to do quickly - suggesting that specialization may simply serve to keep costs of crowding and reallocation low.

Radeva T, Dornhaus A, Lynch N, Nagpal R, Su H-H, 2017. Costs of task allocation with local feedback: Effects of colony size and extra workers in social insects and other multi-agent systems, PloS Computational Biology 13(12): e1005904 - pdf - techniques from computer science are used to mathematically show that task allocation is particularly hard if information about demand for work in different tasks is not easily available to all; that there are no inherent benefits to task allocation for larger groups; and that having ‘extra’ workers considerably improves task allocation - a possible explanation for the above-mentioned, empirically found ‘inactive’ workers

Dornhaus A 2012 ‘Finding optimal collective strategies using individual-based simulations: colony organization in social insects’, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 18: 25-37 - pdf - discussion of how individual-based models, i.e. simulations, can help uncover non-intuitive outcomes of collective strategies (in social insects and elsewhere); demonstrates the importance of work/worker ratio and the benefit of specialization to prevent worker crowding - insights confirmed later (see Radeva et al. 2017); with some extra results on Dornhaus et al. 2006 (benefits of honey bee dance communication)

Dornhaus A, Lynch N, Mallmann-Trenn F, Pajak D, Radeva T, 2020, ‘Self-stabilizing task allocation in spite of noise’, Proceedings of the 32nd ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (peer reviewed conference article) - pdf - a computer-science oriented paper analyzing a task allocation algorithm inspired by social insects and based on assessing task deficit (note order of authors is alphabetical)

Su, H.H., Su, L., Dornhaus, A. and Lynch, N., 2017. Ant-Inspired Dynamic Task Allocation via Gossiping. In: Spirakis P., Tsigas P. (eds) Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributed Systems. SSS 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10616. Springer - pdf - a computer-science oriented paper analyzing a task allocation algorithm inspired by social insects and based on ‘gossiping’, individual information exchange that can spread through the group

Cornejo A, Dornhaus A, Lynch N, Nagpal R 2014 ‘Task allocation in ant colonies’, Distributed Computing – Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8784: 46-60 - pdf - emphasizes the need to separate the problem specification from the strategy used to solve it in order to understand optimality; in computer science, the problem, the platform (agent capabilities), and strategy are all considered separately